It’s the Typeface Office Playlist

1 minute read

Sit down, make a brew. If this is your first time here then have a click around and when you’re done; tell your friends. Typeface has muscled its way on to the Colony Sonos System. Joining design comrades Likely Story, musician Jack Yeates and Typeface’ favourite brand and web partner, Partisan.

Posted by Pete Morley

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Sit down, make a brew. If this is your first time here then have a click around and when you’re done; tell your friends.

Typeface has muscled its way on to the Colony Sonos System. Joining design comrades Likely Story, musician Jack Yeates and Typeface’ favourite brand and web partner, Partisan.

I asked Typeface to build a second website, a specialist portal for endurance sport coaching with the main purpose to explain our offering and service the specific needs of a niche audience. 

Pete is a pleasure to work with, working with me before coding a stitch to understand what the business is that I’m providing and the audience requirements. I also wanted to keep a consistent theme to my existing site which he included while pushing the design of the new site. I’m very happy with what has been delivered.

Stuart Holliday, Chartered Sport & Performance Psychologist

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